Community Spirit Bank Payment Modification Options

Community Spirit Bank is committed to seeing our communities through the current Covid-19 pandemic and the effect it is having on our local communities.

As a result, Community Spirit Bank is allowing favorable payment modifications to assist you during this time if you have been negatively affected by the loss of income as a result of shutdowns and /or layoffs.

If you have been negatively affected and are concerned about your loans at Community Spirit Bank, please contact your loan officer for favorable options that may assist you during this time.

We want your focus to be upon keeping yourself and your family safe and healthy during this time, and we want to work with you regarding all your loan obligations at Community Spirit Bank.

If you feel you need assistance, please feel free to contact your loan officer by calling us at 256-356-4445 and ask for your lender.

We look forward to working with you during these unprecedented times.


Brad M. Bolton President/CEO/Sr Lender